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OPIC 커피숍에 전화걸기

사실 나는 이미 IH가 있다. 단지 유효기간이 다가오고 있을 뿐.. 저번에 IH 나왔을 때에도 어떻게 IH가 나왔지 생각했기에 꾸준히 영어공부를 해야겠지만 유효기간이 다 되어서야 꿈지럭꿈지럭 시작해본다.

이번에는 동네에 새로생긴 커피숍에 몇 가지 궁금한 것을 물어보는 것에 대한 답변을 작성해보았다.

어색하거나 틀렸거나 더 좋은 제안이 있으면 말씀해주세요.

- 나의 첫 답변

Hi, is there the Kims Coffee? I heard that it is possible to hold special events at your coffee shop such as a band concert and other such activities. I'm a manager of a company's string band and I'm looking for a place to hold our annual concert. Is it possible to have the concert there? How many people can be seat? How much of the shop we could possibly reserve? Also, we want to provide some refreshments for our members and their guests. Do you have a menu of snacks and cakes? Thank you for your answer. After check on other places, I'll call you again in a few days.

- 수정된 부분

Hi, is this the Kims Coffee? I heard that it is possible to hold special events at your coffee shop such as a band concert and other such activities. I'm a manager of a company's string band and I'm looking for a place to hold our annual concert. Is it possible to have the concert there? How many people can be sit down? How much of the shop we could possibly reserve? Also, we want to provide some refreshments for our members and their guests. Do you have a menu of snacks and cakes? Thank you for your answer. After check on other places, I will call you again in a few days.

아..중학생때 전화할 때에는 'I'm 누구.' 가 아니라 'This is 누구.' 라고 해야한다고 배웠던 것 같은데 오래되어 까먹었다.

The, a 같은 관사들은 참 어렵다. 어떨땐 안 썼다고 지적받고 어떨땐 썼다고 지적받고...고유 지명이나 이름에는 the 를 쓰는게 아닌가보다.

be seat 에서 seat을 명사로 쓴건데 뭔가 이상한 문장이었나보다.

동사로 사용될때의 seat과 sit의 차이는 타동사와 자동사의 차이로 타동사는 수동태로 쓸 수 있고 누군가가 누구를 앉혀야 한다. 

I'll 같은 경우에 나는 분명히 '아일' 이라고 했는데 전화라 그랬는지 내 발음이 별로였는지 미래시제니까 I will 이라고 해줘야해 라고 지적받았다. 발음이 별로일땐 줄임말 같은건 쓰지 말아야겠다.

- refreshment: 다과, 간단한 식사

마지막 답변

Hi, is this Kims Coffee? I heard that it is possible to hold special events at your coffee shop such as a band concert and other such activities. I'm a manager of a company's string band and I'm looking for a place to hold our annual concert. Is it possible to have the concert there? How many people can sit down? How much of the shop we could possibly reserve? Also, we want to provide some refreshments for our members and their guests. Do you have a menu of snacks and cakes? Thank you for your answer. After check on other places, I will call you again in a few days.